viernes, 22 de mayo de 2015


Podemos trabajar la inteligencia emocional desde todas las áreas. La actividad que a continuación se presenta está diseñada para el segundo tramo de primaria en el área de inglés.

1. Recordar los estados de ánimo. Vocabulario principal.
2. Repartir el cuestionario y leerlo en voz alta.
3. Explicar que cada estado de ánimo es producto de una emoción. Explicamos las 5 emociones principales de las que en esta película trata: ira, alegría, miedo, tristeza y aversión.
4. Poner el primer vídeo e intentar responder la primera parte de las preguntas a continuación.
5. Poner el segundo vídeo y completar el cuestionario. Si es necesario se pondrá una vez más.
6. Corrección oral y en pizarra de las respuestas.

INSIDE-OUT comprehension test

1. What are they doing?

2. Mum asks about something to her daughter, Riley. Choose the correct option?
-          Food
-          Friends
-          School

3. How many emotions (little voices) are there inside our mind?

4. What is dad thinking about?

5. Why mum is disgusted?
-          because dad was not paying attention
-          because dad shouted to Riley
-          because dad is ugly

6. What is mum thinking about then?

7. Which emotion said: “school was great”?
     Riley is ...

8. Which emotion said: “what is your problem?, live me alone!?
    Riley is …

9. Does anger solve the problem?

10. Match:
Joy                                                     green
Disgust                                               red
Fear                                                    purple
Sadness                                              blue
Anger                                                 bright colours

11. Memories are kept inside a special ball. What happens?
- Sadness breaks the ball
- Sadness and Joy fight because of the balls
- Sadness and Joy disappear

12. Is everything ok without Joy and Sadness?

13. Where are Sadness and Joy?
- They’re in a fun park with lots of balls
- They’re at Riley bank memory
- They are lost in a labyrinth

14. Why is Joy excited?
- Because she is imagination land
- Because she see an elephant
- Because she loves memory bank

15. When is Riley happy?

16. When is Riley mad?

17. Why do you think all the family is sad at the end?

18. What is Riley afraid of?

19. Are you interested in watching this movie?

20. Which emotion is working just now inside your mind?

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